Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ken Robinson says school kill creativity

I found this video to be very humorous but true. I definitely agree with Mr. Robinson when he says school kills creativity. They want every student to be functioning on the same level. I think this handicaps our advance kids and set our below the average students up for failure. This also raises the question, why would you want everybody on the same level. Everybody is not going to be doctors, or lawyers lets just face that.

Public schools always try to dictate whats correct or appropriate in the classroom. Who is to say whats correct and what the students should and shouldn't be doing or learning? I think that they should just let the students do what they know best and strive for success, no matter if it's in art, math, music, science, or language arts and stop criticizing and stigmatizing people for what they are good at.


  1. I think that schools do need some guidelines, but there should be some freedom for teachers to express the way they feel they need to teach their students. They know their students best, and their subject. Without some creativity, classrooms will get boring and students lose interest.
