Sunday, October 11, 2009

Networked Student

Picture of laptop
I just watched a video called, "The Networked Student". This was a very interesting video about a student who attends an American Psychology class three days a week, two days online that has no book. He learns by building his own personal learning network, much like the one we are suppose to be building for EDM310.

Overall I think this could be a great learning experience for students who are independent learners. However I think the class can and will be disaster for students who need lectures and guidance. I'm not really sure if I would want to take or teach a class like this. This class is a little more than advanced to me!

The question at hand is, "why does the networked student need a teacher?" Networked students need teachers for a lot of reasons. They need their teachers to show them how to build their personal learning network, for guidance when their stuck, and to show them how to manage all the material they find and help them keep it organized. Like I said earlier, I think this could be a wonderful learning experience for some students and a nightmare for others.


  1. I agree! Being a networked student is not for everyone, because of the fact that people have different styles of learning. I do hope that being a networked student is helps many students though!

  2. With the changes to EDM310 next semester students will have to be self-directed learners or they will be in real trouble!
