Saturday, October 10, 2009

This is How we Dream

Picture of a stack of news papers
I thought both of the video's were very interesting. " This is how we dream Part 1 and Part 2." He was trying to make an important point that you no longer have to search newspapers or go to the library to do research. All the information you need can be found on the internet, or as he says, " all the riches of the world as far as research are stored on the web."

He also discussed in these videos about his love for books and how he grew up around books. He even wrote a book that you can now buy on Amazon for 59 cents, but you can read it on the web for free. The world is changing drastically! People are no longer reading and writing, they are listening and watching. I know I would much rather have visual information if I had a choice out of seeing and reading.

I think the web is very useful. You can do so many things on the web as far as research, films, podcast, and so much more. You can even earn a degree online without ever stepping foot into a classroom. I think it is very important for the world to become technological literate, not just students and teachers. I think being technologically literate is an advantage and can open up a world of opportunities.

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